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Advice re: Shipping pricing and configuring printer fulfilment options by Jason


Hello, looking for some advice re: the following...


I have a Shopify store (UK based) that sells art prints and paintings. Worldwide shipping.

I am working with Printful.com (US based), a print on demand fulfilment service. I use their shipping calculator.

I also have a UK printer to fulfil manual/individual orders for bespoke sizes and for premium quality prints.


The site is set up with the Printful shipping calculator. But the shipping costs to UK are too expensive. I will potentially lose customers with expensive shipping costs at checkout stage.

How can I fix this issue?

I also want to offer good deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday towards the end of November.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Rana Khoury commented on Post your gateway requests here


HI.  I've recently set up my ecommerce website on Shopify and am confused about the best payment gateway to work with.  Our company is based in the UAE but for the time being all our products are sold and shipped from Africa to Europe.  As I am VERY new to the e-commerce business, I am completely confused as to the best way to go.  I have spoken to a few people and have been told that PayTabs and PayFort are the best and most reliable options for the UAE.  I need to understand the differences, pros and cons of each in order to make a decision soo.  Our clients will be making payments in Euros, and I want to know what is required to set up either one of these two payment gateways, set up costs,transfer/withdrawal costs, etc.  HELP!


Jasman Payfort commented on Post your gateway requests here


Dear Rana,

First thing first, you need to have a local trade license in order to get an approval for the merchant account to process online transaciton and of course, the approval also depends on line of business you are in?

To learn more on the requirement you can get in touch with our sales team  and explore what are the options that you have as a merchants or you can drop me an email at jsidhu@payfort.com.

You can also learn a bit about our services at payfort.com



Brittany Witt commented on Request to have the option to deactivate Customer Notifications


Hey Jessica,

Thanks for sharing this resource. I do notice that you still can't turn off the Shopify Order Confirmation emails so Mailchimp recommends you turn those off within the Mailchimp platform. I really would rather send the beautifully designed Mailchimp version over the Shopify plain text version.

The Order Invocie email is something Shopify does not send but Mailchimp does, but this only applies if the customer pays using a third party service, like PayPal, which in my case is rare.

The Shipping Confirmation email can be disabled withing the Shopify platform, but you have to do so per order when you're printing the labels. Which is a bit of a pain as you have to remember to do this, but it's still better than not being able to diable it.

The same is true for the Refund or Cancelation Confirmation emails, you have to remember to turn those off on an order by order basis. But I rarely get refunds (knock on wood) so that one isn't as important to me as the Order and Shipping Confimation emails.

Hopefully this will be an option in the future and hopefully my customers won't mind getting two Order Confirmation emails.

I appreciate it! 

Payment gateways in Brazil with transparent checkout by Fhabio


in Brazil I feel a lack of payment gateways with transparent checkout, the only avaible is from the foreigner company 2Checkout and stripe (beta), but they only accept credit cards and in Brazil it`s very very important to offer payment via boleto and installment payments option. 

Does shopify have any more plans to add a better options with transparent checkout for the payment gateways available in Brazil? For example, Shopify have PagSeguro and Pay U latam avaibable, both have transparent checkouts options if you make the integration by yourself (requiring some php and programming knowledge) , but they aren`t avaible from shopify for normal users who doesn't understand php and programming.

And what about Cielo? Shopify started a beta 3 years ago ( https://ecommerce.shopify.com/c/payments-shipping-fulfilment/t/in-brazil-have-a-cielo-merchant-account-help-us-beta-test-a-new-payments-integration-191974 the topic is totally forgotten by the guy from Shopify who started it), and no return from Shopify after the first post. What happened with this beta test??? I have a CIelo account and I hoped after 3 years I would be able to use my Cielo account on shopify ;(

Shopify with Amazon FBA for fulfillment by Sidney Quitorio



Has anybody used Amazon FBA for fulfillment? It seems that they don't let you control where your products are warehoused. From what little I know about taxes, doesn't this cause you to have tax nexus in any state they warehouse your items? I'm just starting out, so ideally I would like to limit my tax nexus by limiting where I warehouse my products. Has anyone dealt with these issues before?

Check out error : missing or invalid parameter by Aurélien

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    {% endif %}</script>
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Hello !

when I want to place an order I have an error message that appears saying:

"missing or invalid parameter"

"Missing or invalid mandatory parameter: id"

someone knows where the problem comes from ?

Thanks a lot for helps !

Kane Raisey commented on Currency switcher also at checkout


Yeah Owen... this sucks. Im in New Zealand selling to India and people just get too confused and we risk losing a lot of $$$. Im shocked and surprised that something so basic and common sense is missing... its ridiculous actually. 

Payment options on checkout by Loja do Cabelo


Hi, I would like to know how can one shop owner sort the list regarding payment options on Shopify?

PayPal is the first option but in my country almost no one uses it and we use Multibanco as our first option and this is the one I need to have on top of the list. How can I do this?


elizabeth commented on Changing "Mailed From Zip Code" in Shopify Fulfilment


I have the same question.  

I want my return address to remain my home address.  However,  it's easiest for me to drop off packages at the post office closest to my job.  The postal worker told me they don't like the "mailed from" zip to be from a different area of the city because it throws off their numbers. 


Changing my return address to my work address is not an option


Is there a way to change only the "mailed from " zip code on the shipping label? 

Przelewy24 by TomasMark


Hi guys! 

I was recently looking to add a local paying method to my checkout on my business website. So I was thinking about my Polish customers and Przelewy24 seemed like just a good option. Later I integrated with Alternative Payments platform. They have a Shopify plug-in as well. Everything has been running smoothly so far. http://www.alternativepayments.com/product-sheets/AP_PS_Przelewy24_A4_2016_v1.0.pdf

I was wondering what are your experiences with this specific payment method and PSPs offering it. Alternative Payments are doing a fabulous job, but I just wanted to check what others have to say. 

Marrakech commented on Net 30 terms? Processing payment on POs?


Hi Claire, 

Which Wholesale app did you use? There are many options - could you kindly specify which one worked for you? 

Claire Blevins commented on Net 30 terms? Processing payment on POs?

Europe - USA * Printful or Printify by ion arregui



I want to config shipping rates but i have a problem. Printify and Printful have 2 locations, USA and Europe. I need to configure shipping rates where usa and Europe are "home" and rest worldwide shipping.


i have 2 stores now, one for europe and other for usa...i need all in one!


i can paid for this job...



Casual Fly commented on Philippine-based Shopify (Payment Gateway)


Hi Rex,

You received this error from Paypal,

"Sorry! Paypal doesn't allow for residents of Australia to ship purchases to Philippines" 

And you said you were the buyer.


1.) If you were the buyer, I must assume that you are from Australia and that your billing address is in Australia, is that correct?

2.) Your PayPal account is based in Australia or in Philippines?

3.) If you have PayPal as your payment gateway in your shop, which option did you use when paying? PayPal account balance or a separate Credit / Debit Card?


Multiple fulfillment integration by victor


Is it possible to integrate multiple fulfilment centre into a store ?

We have got a  single product. but We have an Asian center doing fine with the rest of the world but not doing fine when delivering to North America.

We will like to use both with the condition of where the order is to be shipped.

I have read a couple of tagged outdated post on this. can someone please help with an up to date information?

Kind regards.


Casual Fly commented on Philippine-based Shopify (Payment Gateway)


Hi Jake,

You said..

"AliExpress won't let me buy stuff from them. I don't know if it's because I'm from the Philippines? Anyway, it's another story. "

What exactly do you mean by this? They won't allow you to buy stuff and have it shipped to the Philippines or anywhere else in the world??

Casual Fly commented on Philippine-based Shopify (Payment Gateway)


Hi Jake,

If you already have PayPal as your payment gateway, why are you still applying for 2Checkout? Just curious..

Karlie commented on Europe - USA * Printful or Printify


Hello, Ion! 

Karlie here from the Shopify Guru Team! So, what I would recommend is using an app that would allow you to set up shipping from multiple locations. Check out Bespoke Shipping and Advanced Shipping Manager. If neither of those work for you, you can always reach out to a Shopify Expert as well by using this link!

I hope this helps, but if you have any further questions - be sure to reach out to Shopify support!

Shopify Guru

ebizguy commented on Setting Up Free Shipping

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